Ryan vs. Dakota

After posting the cartoon of Ryan, both Dakota and Ryan wanted to make another cartoon with Dakota in it. Here’s the final product. Off to the printers to make a poster for their bedroom! 🙂  

One and Only Tournament This Summer

It’s time for something other than a quote I suppose. . . . The boys chose to not play baseball this summer, and over all that has probably been a good decision. They were a bit weary of going from one sport to another and having every evening of the summer spent driving to one…

What Am I? A Pony Ride?

It’s a dangerous thing to get on your hands and knees in our house.  Let’s be honest . . .  the easiest way to get off the couch when you have been laying on it is to simply roll off.  You then find yourself lying on the floor and have the need to get up. …

Buried in the Beach

We were able to go to the beach a couple of times throughout our time up north. It really was a very pleasant beach. The very cold water seemed to coincide with the small amount of people present on the beach. Either way, we went swimming, and after a bit of freezing, you could get…

Papa’s Haricuts

(Click on picture to see larger size) If at all possible, we try to line up our haircuts with our visits with my Dad.  I am able to cut all the boys hair, but cutting my own hair is a challenge.  I end up just using one size cutter for my whole head.  It does…

What? . . . Doesn’t Everyone Do This?

First, I reserved the right to post during my break.  Secondly, we finished the second coat of mud on the dry wall today, and I sanded everything that was dry enough this evening, and still had a little time to post this. Sunday we were about to leave for church and all of a sudden a…