I have a legacy!

I received the ketchup shirt from my sister in law.  While in all reality most of my kids seem to possess some of the oddities of their father, a love for ketchup is surely one of them.  Spencer is the exception.  He likes very few condiments.  The rest of the kids on the other hand…

An ordinary dinner for us

The sad thing is that this is normal for us.  This is just one of many examples why our family is banned from restaurants other than McDonalds and Burger King, thanks to peope like Ann Marie.  This is honestly why we fear ever going out in public with them.

Pre-Church Swimming

  Since we just started our blog, we have to catch you all up on some fun things in the near past.  A couple of weeks ago as Linda and I were finishing up getting ready to go to church, Molly and Spencer ran into the bathroom yelling, “Ryan and Dakota are in the pool.” …

Spencer’s Stuck

Yesterday morning I brought Molly and Spencer with me to work.  Linda came at lunch with the twins and we ate lunch together.  After Linda and I had finished eating we walked into the kitchen to find this.  Spencer had fallen off of the counter and got hung up on the door knob.  He didn’t…