Did We Waste Our Vacation?

My Struggle We near the end of the vacation and I sit at the kitchen table looking out over the lake and wonder – what did I accomplish?  As I look I realize I have not once gone out on the boat, alone, and just enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation and had a time…

Remission? Not quite.

Before I go any further – remission is not our news – but it’s okay, really! We are so thankful for the many who have continually prayed for us (especially for Linda) and the many who have inquired into our journey over the past few weeks.  We told many of you that Linda would be…

Sturgills and Fishing?

Fishing is really not one of our family past times.  It’s not that we’ve never fished, but we’ve most certainly never done it well.  With the exceptions of a few trips to Canada, a few outings where someone else actually set the entire pole up for us – cast it out – and then told…