Spencer just received a new t-shirt from Grandma. It read, “My Parents are Exhausted.”  That seems like an understatement at times.  Linda was lying on the couch a couple of days ago and she told Ryan, “I’m tired I want to go to bed.”  Ryan proceeded to come over to the couch and act as…

Love is a Voyage

It was this song that inspired the name of our blog.  About 9 years ago, Charity gave me a tape of the Three Irish Tenors.  On that tape, the song voyage was sung by John McDermott and the Three Irish Tenors.  Ever since then, that song has been one of our families favorites and is…

What? . . . Doesn’t Everyone Do This?

First, I reserved the right to post during my break.  Secondly, we finished the second coat of mud on the dry wall today, and I sanded everything that was dry enough this evening, and still had a little time to post this. Sunday we were about to leave for church and all of a sudden a…

A break . . . probably

As much as I have enjoyed blogging, I think I might take a break for at least two weeks if not for about a month.  I have tons to do right now, and at times I feel like I need to try to keep up with all of you.  Therefore, I will probably not post…

No wonder I’m tired

A few days ago I was speaking to Linda about how tired I have been feeling lately.  I was confused about what might be making me more tired. I have been watching what I eat (avoid any sarcasm at this point about how I watch a lot of food) and I have been exercising.  Then…