Online Church is Exhausting

A worldwide pandemic, forcing self-quarantining, has forced the church to consider the important elements of church life and wrestle through a season of online church while missing and longing for in person gatherings. I would like to offer some observations in regard to “online church.” Some of these are musings. Others of them may likely…

You are Mine, So I Love You

I found Wesley Hill’s second chapter in his book “Spiritual Friendship” to be the most helpful. He titled the chapter “I Love You Because You’re Mine.” While he discusses this title in conceptual form throughout the chapter, I had to read through about half the chapter to come to where he mentions the context from…

A Dog Bite, an Analogy of Brokenness

Dog Analogy # 1. After the second time of being bitten by the dog, no wonder I sat cautiously in the chair as the bathroom door opened to allow the dog to wander free. I’ve visited the Neevel’s home on a number of past occasions with no wounds to show for it, but ever since Fred’s hospice care,…

Ministry Starts in the Home

What you accomplish for God beyond your home will typically never be greater than what you practice with God within your home. . . . Family ministry that never reaches beyond our households is like a regimen of spring training that never results in a real baseball game. [1] [1] Jones, Timothy Paul. Family Ministry Field…

Spiritual Friendship by Wesley Hill

Here’s a larger portion of the quote. A friend of Hill’s wrote him the following: “What I cannot imagine, what causes me to wince in terror, is the thought of being celibate in my 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond. Perhaps I lack your strength or contentment for celibacy. Perhaps I have not experienced the relational…

A Social Media Vacation

For some time, I have found social media, specifically Facebook, exhausting. I don’t recall the last time I got off of social media and thought to myself, “Wow, that was encouraging!” I do however recall nearly every time, needing Linda to pull me from the dark hole from which I had fallen. Dazed and discouraged,…

Isolation is Spiritually Destructive

“Sin demands to have a man by himself. It withdraws him from the community. The more isolated a person is, the more destructive will be the power of sin over him. Sin wants to remain unknown . . . [But] the sin must be brought into the light. The unexpressed must be openly spoken and…