Spencer’s Stuck


Yesterday morning I brought Molly and Spencer with me to work.  Linda came at lunch with the twins and we ate lunch together.  After Linda and I had finished eating we walked into the kitchen to find this.  Spencer had fallen off of the counter and got hung up on the door knob.  He didn’t yell out for us, that we recall, and he wasn’t crying.  So we don’t know how long he had been there.

4 thoughts on “Spencer’s Stuck

  1. Have you simply buckled under the pressure???? I hope you will enjoy doing the blog, as well. It is fun to see pictures of the family. I have one question—-Did you just let him hang there until you got a camera to take the picture????

  2. What a hoot! I can’t believe that he didn’t cry out or anything 🙂 BTW – I am so glad that you are finally starting this!

  3. Man what kind of DAD must you be! Leaving a kid hanging there while you run for the camera!!!


    SO glad I found your blog.

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